Surname List & Directory

Please keep in mind when using the Surname List & Directory that not all the surnames being researched are listed here. I have chosen to omit certain surnames for several reasons. First, and most importantly, to protect the privacy of the individuals contained in the database that are still living. Secondly, there are just to many to list all of them. An important tip to remember is that there are many spelling variations for surnames. A good example is Vautrin, I have encountered ten different spelling variations for that surname alone. Surname spelling variations are not included. The links to the "Descendants Pages" will take you to the main "Descendants Page" that particular surname is related to, in addition to this you will find many of the surnames repeated on other "Descendants Pages". Due to the volume of surnames and how intertwined they are it is extremely difficult to link each surname to every "Descendants Page".

Aubert, Agar, Allary, Allen, Anderson, August, Austin, Baker, Baniac/Lamontagne, Barber, Barnes, Baubin, Beedle, Beleque, Belley, Benoit dit LaForest, Bergevin, Billy dit St. Louis, Bishop, Blondeau, Boir, Bonneau, Boucher, Brenton, Brisard, Brown, Brule, Bullock, Caille, Cameron, Campbell, Cardinal, Chappell, Chausse, Christie, Collacot, Couch, Cox, Curran, Davidson, Deas, De Gerlaise, Demontigny, Desjarlais, Dupuis, Duval, Dykes, Eirikson, Elliott, Ethier, Evans, Fayett, Foucault, Frommings, Furneaux, Gabourie, Gardiner, Gaudie, Gervais, Gibeau, Graham, Grant, Gravelle, Greig, Griffin, Gronsberg, Goudie, Halliwell, Handy, Harris, Hatton, Hervieux, Hill, Hoare, Hoffernan, Jarvis, Jimmy, Katarynec, Katernich, Katerynych/Katernick, Kollkwell, Koniuch, Kuebler, Labonte, LaChance, Lacourse, LaFortune, Laframboise, Lamaitre-Auger, Lamarre, Lamirande dit Dulignon, Laramee, Larsen, Lawning, Ledoux, Legace, Legasse, Leolo, Leonard, Lesage, Lidgate, Longtin dit Jerome, Louise, Lucas, Lucking, MacEwan, MacFarlane, MacPhail, Mann, Maquire, Maranda, Marshelle, Martin, Maynard, McAllister, McDonald, McGillis, McMillan, McPhail, Mearnes, Menard, Miles, Millar, Miller, Mills, Mini, Mongeau, Monk, Montour, Moore, Norwest, Okemakwe, Oliver, Pacanne dit Roy, Paille, Pannell, Pareau, Paskaryk, Patenaude, Pelletier, Pepin LaChance, Piaggio, Plamondon, Polk, Porter, Prud'Homme, Rawlinson, Reynard, Richard, Rivers, Robidoux, Robert, Robertson, Robinson, Rouleau, Samuelson, Saucier, Shrimpton, Simpson, Smallacombe, Spencer, Tahouney, Tellier dit LaFortune, Tenold, Testu, Thomas, Thompson, Thout, Tkatch, Tom, Trimble, Trudel, Ukemeston, Vautrain, Vautrin, Vautrin dit Bienvenue, Verdier, Ward, Whitlaw, Whitwell, Woodrow, Work, Young

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UPDATED October-20-2001
Copyright 2001 Laurel Katernick